#160 - 18th September - NDSP what the heck is this good for?

#160 - 18th September - NDSP what the heck is this good for?

So here is the new Neural DSP creation. Boring.

I was really hoping they would bring a new spin to the small amp in a box world.

But this isn't substantially different from the small Kemper or Tone X.

And who needs profiling all the time?

The biggest seller would have been a box of this size that would play the NDSP X Plugins for Mac/PC. This way you could take the sound in a production directly to the stage. And with that have an assortment of the greatest amps with you.

Everyone who is already invested in the NDSP eco-system would find such a box very enticing.

In fact, I would buy it straight away.

But of course they are afraid of sacrificing the big Quad Cortex with such a box. A lot of people would get rid of theirs and shrink their setup. So playing the X plugins will stay a buying argument for the QC only, I'm certain of that.

This means I'll stick to running a plugin and playing live with a little input delay. That's okay for potentially 2-3 songs only in which I would pick up guitar or bass.