I worked on a track today which is in its fifth iteration. Somehow I just can't make it work in terms of flow, sound design and essentially where the song is headed.

It's also out of my recent comfort zone, with sounds that are made with synths but lean to a rock sound.

Anyway, I always save the in-between versions, so here it is. It's good fun to look back at what a song used to be, once it is done and see how far you've come.

Although I'm getting closer with every session I do, I will have to let this one marinade a bit more and come back with a fresh mind.

What's really positive: I'm almost done with v1 of both of the remaining two songs that I'm supposed to mix until November. The first two that I had already worked on, are approved by the singer and my former co-producer.

Tick in the box.

#142 - 31st August 2024 - I got stuck there