#139 - 28th August 2024 - End of promotion and some mixing

#139 - 28th August 2024 - End of promotion and some mixing

The 15 days YouTube promotion ended yesterday.

In comparison to everything else done so far, this seems to be the best bang for the buck.

As I keep on saying, the sustainability of this kind of subscriber growth is to be seen, but only time will give details on this.

Needless to say, I've stopped all other promotion on other platforms for now, apart from one thing that is still open: a 75 EUR playlist promotion on by TracksToTheMax. I just wrote with the team earlier this week and they say they haven't found anyone yet who answered back for a potential playlist placement.

They also say there's a money back option... let's see about that :D

As I was quite pleased with the YouTube results, I also decided to promote the next video straight away.

Other than this, there was some mixing to be done today. I still owe four mixes on four different tracks from a former project until November. I was waiting for a new snare track to be sent, and also got some specific requirements on where to put delay on the vocal which I like. It helps make things right the first time you touch them.

With this, two out of four tracks should be good. Perhaps I'll even start the third in the next few days. What's done is done.